While most East Asian languages use--or had used--the Chinese script, only the use the characters as the predominant way of naming elements. On the other hand, the Japanese and Koreans primarily employ native alphabets for the names of the elements .
In , characters for the elements are the last officially created and recognized in the Chinese writing system. Unlike those characters for dialectal usage or other now-defunct ad hoc characters , the names for the elements are official, consistent, and taught to every Chinese and Taiwanese who has attended public schools .
Native characters
Some metallic elements were already familiar to the Chinese, as their ores were already excavated and used extensively in China for construction, alchemy, and medicine. These include the traditional "Five Metals" --gold , silver , copper , iron , and tin --as well as lead and .
Some non-metals were already named in Chinese as well, because their minerals were in wide-spread use. For example,
* carbon in the form of charcoal
* boron as part of borax
* sulfur had been used to make gunpowder since at least the 10th century in China.
European Pronunciation-based Characters
Most elements, however, remained unknown to the Chinese until they were isolated during the Industrial Age. These new elements therefore needed new characters be made for them. New characters were invented using the . Each character consists of two parts, to signify the meaning and to hint at the sound:
#The semantic part is also the of the character. It refers to the element's usual state at room temperature and standard pressure. There are only four radicals used for elements: ?/钅 for metals, 石 for solid non-metals, 水/氵 for liquids, and 气 for gases.
#The phonetic part represents the character's pronunciation and is a partial transliteration of the element. For each element character, this is a unique phonetic component. Since there are over 100 elements already discovered, there are over 100 different phonentic components used in naming the elements.
The "water" radical is rarely used, since only two elements are truly liquid at standard room temperature and pressure . Both of their characters are not based on the European pronunciation of the elements' names. Bromine , the only liquid nonmetal at room temperature, is explained in the following section. Mercury , now grouped with the heavy metals, was long classified as a kind of fluid in ancient China.
Meaning-based Characters
A few characters, though, are not created using the above "semantic-phonetic" design, but are "semantic-semantic", that is, both of its parts indicate meanings. One part refers to the element's usual state . However, the second part indicates some additional property or function of the element. Such elements are:
= Tables
Many operating systems and web browsers do not support the display of some of the newer elements, since the characters for elements with atomic numbers 104 and above were only added in Unicode 3.1 as surrogate pairs that are part of the CJK Ideographs Extension B character set. They are thus displayed twice in the traditional characters table below, as both the surrogate pair characters themselves and as combinations of phonetic components. Simplified characters for elements 104 and above have not been encoded as of Unicode 4.1 and are thus given only as combinations of phonetic components in the simplified characters table below.
Alkali metals | Alkaline earths | Lanthanide | Actinides | Transition metals |
Poor metals | Metalloids | Nonmetals | Halogens | Noble gases |
Color coding for atomic numbers:
* Elements numbered in blue are liquids at room temperature;
* those in green are gases at room temperature;
* those in black are solid at room temperature;
* those in red are synthetic and do not occur naturally .
* those in gray have not yet been discovered .
Simplified Chinese
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | ||
1 | 1 H 氢 | 2 He 氦 | |||||||||||||||||
2 | 3 Li 锂 | 4 Be 铍 | 5 B 硼 | 6 C 碳 | 7 N 氮 | 8 O 氧 | 9 F 氟 | 10 Ne 氖 | |||||||||||
3 | 11 Na 钠 | 12 Mg 镁 | 13 Al 铝 | 14 Si 硅 | 15 P 磷 | 16 S 硫 | 17 Cl 氯 | 18 Ar 氩 | |||||||||||
4 | 19 K 钾 | 20 Ca 钙 | 21 Sc 钪 | 22 Ti 钛 | 23 V 钒 | 24 Cr 铬 | 25 Mn 锰 | 26 Fe 铁 | 27 Co 钴 | 28 Ni 镍 | 29 Cu 铜 | 30 Zn 锌 | 31 Ga 镓 | 32 Ge 锗 | 33 As 砷 | 34 Se 硒 | 35 Br 溴 | 36 Kr 氪 | |
5 | 37 Rb 铷 | 38 Sr 锶 | 39 Y 钇 | 40 Zr 锆 | 41 Nb 铌 | 42 Mo 钼 | 43 Tc 锝 | 44 Ru 钌 | 45 Rh 铑 | 46 Pd 钯 | 47 Ag 银 | 48 Cd 镉 | 49 In 铟 | 50 Sn 锡 | 51 Sb 锑 | 52 Te 碲 | 53 I 碘 | 54 Xe 氙 | |
6 | 55 Cs 铯 | 56 Ba 钡 | 镧 系 | 71 Lu 镥 | 72 Hf 铪 | 73 Ta 钽 | 74 W 钨 | 75 Re 铼 | 76 Os 锇 | 77 Ir 铱 | 78 Pt 铂 | 79 Au 金 | 80 Hg 汞 | 81 Tl 铊 | 82 Pb 铅 | 83 Bi 铋 | 84 Po 钋 | 85 At 砹 | 86 Rn 氡 |
7 | 87 Fr 钫 | 88 Ra 镭 | 锕 系 | 103 Lr 铹 | 104 Rf 钅卢 | 105 Db 钅杜 | 106 Sg 钅喜 | 107 Bh 钅波 | 108 Hs 钅黑 | 109 Mt 钅麦 | 110 Ds 钅达 | 111 Rg 钅仑 | 112 Uub | 113 Uut | 114 Uuq | 115 Uup | 116 Uuh | 117 Uus | 118 Uuo |
镧系元素 | 57 La 镧 | 58 Ce 铈 | 59 Pr 镨 | 60 Nd 钕 | 61 Pm 钷 | 62 Sm 钐 | 63 Eu 铕 | 64 Gd 钆 | 65 Tb 铽 | 66 Dy 镝 | 67 Ho 钬 | 68 Er 铒 | 69 Tm 铥 | 70 Yb 镱 | |||||
锕系元素 | 89 Ac 锕 | 90 Th 钍 | 91 Pa 镤 | 92 U 铀 | 93 Np 镎 | 94 Pu 钚 | 95 Am 镅 | 96 Cm 锔 | 97 Bk 锫 | 98 Cf 锎 | 99 Es 锿 | 100 Fm 镄 | 101 Md 钔 | 102 No 锘 |
Traditional Chinese
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | ||
1 | 1 H ? | 2 He 氦 | |||||||||||||||||
2 | 3 Li ? | 4 Be ? | 5 B 硼 | 6 C 碳 | 7 N 氮 | 8 O 氧 | 9 F 氟 | 10 Ne 氖 | |||||||||||
3 | 11 Na ? | 12 Mg ? | 13 Al ? | 14 Si 矽 | 15 P 磷 | 16 S 硫 | 17 Cl 氯 | 18 Ar ? | |||||||||||
4 | 19 K ? | 20 Ca ? | 21 Sc ? | 22 Ti ? | 23 V ? | 24 Cr ? | 25 Mn ? | 26 Fe ? | 27 Co ? | 28 Ni ? | 29 Cu ? | 30 Zn ? | 31 Ga ? | 32 Ge ? | 33 As 砷 | 34 Se 硒 | 35 Br 溴 | 36 Kr 氪 | |
5 | 37 Rb ? | 38 Sr ? | 39 Y ? | 40 Zr ? | 41 Nb ? | 42 Mo ? | 43 Tc ? | 44 Ru ? | 45 Rh ? | 46 Pd ? | 47 Ag ? | 48 Cd ? | 49 In ? | 50 Sn ? | 51 Sb ? | 52 Te 碲 | 53 I 碘 | 54 Xe 氙 | |
6 | 55 Cs ? | 56 Ba ? | ? 系 | 71 Lu ? | 72 Hf ? | 73 Ta ? | 74 W ? | 75 Re ? | 76 Os ? | 77 Ir ? | 78 Pt ? | 79 Au 金 | 80 Hg 汞 | 81 Tl ? | 82 Pb ? | 83 Bi ? | 84 Po ? | 85 At ? | 86 Rn 氡 |
7 | 87 Fr ? | 88 Ra ? | ? 系 | 103 Lr ? | 104 Rf ? | 105 Db ? | 106 Sg ? | 107 Bh ? | 108 Hs ? | 109 Mt ? | 110 Ds ? | 111 Rg ? | 112 Uub | 113 Uut | 114 Uuq | 115 Uup | 116 Uuh | 117 Uus | 118 Uuo |
Lanthanides ?系元素 | 57 La ? | 58 Ce ? | 59 Pr ? | 60 Nd ? | 61 Pm ? | 62 Sm ? | 63 Eu ? | 64 Gd ? | 65 Tb ? | 66 Dy ? | 67 Ho ? | 68 Er ? | 69 Tm ? | 70 Yb ? | |||||
Actinides ?系元素 | 89 Ac ? | 90 Th ? | 91 Pa ? | 92 U ? | 93 Np ? | 94 Pu ? | 95 Am ? | 96 Cm ? | 97 Bk ? | 98 Cf ? | 99 Es ? | 100 Fm ? | 101 Md ? | 102 No ? |
Even though the Japanese languages also uses the Chinese characters , it primarily employs Katakana to transliterate names of the elements from European languages . For example,
Native names
On the other hand, elements known since antiquity are Chinese loanwords, which are mostly identical to their Chinese counterparts , albeit in the Shinjitai and , for example, iron is ''tetsu'' and lead is ''namari'' . Whereas all elements in Chinese are single-character in the official system, some Japanese elements have two syllables, .e.g.,
Some elements with names written in Kanji have the suffix -''so'' , meaning "element/component". For instance, arsenic is ''hiso'' in modern Japanese. The name ''hi'' is derived from ''hishima'', the Chinese name for . In modern Chinese, however, arsenic is now simply ''shen'' , being an approximation of the second syllable of the element's European name .
Likewise, although boron is written in katakana now , its origin is Chinese. ''Hō'' is derived from ''housa'', the Chinese name for borax, the "''peng'' sands" . Boron is still called ''peng'' in modern Chinese.
Meaning-based names
Furthermore, a few of the pre-modern elements from the 18th century also have Kanji names, though sometimes drastically different from their Chinese counterparts. The following comparison shows that Japanese does not use the radical system for naming elements like Chinese.
| nitrogen ||''chisso'' || 氮 || air that is purely nitrogen is toxic to all mammals; translation of the German word for nitrogen, ''Stickstoff''
As the Hanja are now rarely used in Korea, all of the elements are written in Hangul.
Since much of the Korean scientific terms were translated from Japanese sources, the pattern of naming is mostly similar to that of Japanese, namely, the classical elements are loanwords from China, with new elements from European language. For example:
Pre-modern elements often are the Korean pronunciation of their Japanese equivalents, e.g.,
Some of the metals known since antiquity are loanwords from Chinese, such as copper , lead , tin , and mercury . Others have native Vietnamese readings, such as ''S?t'' for iron, ''B?c'' for silver, and ''Vàng'' for gold. In either case, nowadays they are always written in the Vietnamese alphabet.
The majority of elements are shortened and localized pronunciation of the European names . For example:
* ''Phosphorus'' becomes ''ph?tpho''.
* The -''ine'' suffix is lost, e.g., ''chlorine'', ''iodine'' and ''fluorine'' become ''clo'', ''i?t'' and ''flo'', respectively.
* The -''ium'' suffix is lost, e.g., ''caesium'' becomes ''xêzi'' , clearly indicating the French origin of the word
** Similarly, ''beryllium'', ''chromium'', ''lithium'' and ''natrium'' become ''berili'', ''cr?m'', ''liti'', and ''natri'', respectively
* The -''gen'' suffix is lost, e.g., ''nitrogen'', ''oxygen'' and ''hydrogen'' become ''nit?'', ''?xy'' and ''hi?r?'', respectively
A minority of elements without--or with etymologically unclear--suffixes retain their full name, e.g.,
* Tungsten become ''volfram''.
* Bismuth become ''bitmut''.
* Elements with the -''on'' suffix seem to be inconsistent. ''Boron'' and ''silicon'' are respectively shortened to ''bo'' and ''silic''. On the other hand, ''neon'', ''krypton'' and ''xenon'' don't seem to have shorter forms.
* Unlike the other halogens, ''astatine'' retains its suffix .
Some elements have multiple names, for instance, potassium is known as ''p? tát'' and ''kali'' .
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